Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Calming Fears

Last night we had a storm roll through.  Around 11:45 there was a very loud crash of thunder!  It felt like it was right in our backyard.  I woke up in a panic and realizing that the windows were all still down all over the house! So I woke Mike up and we quickly (and very sleepily...yes sleepily) shut all the windows.  Right after the thunder sounded I heard Tenley cry, but I shut all the windows and then ran into her.  She was awake, kind of whimpering in the far back corner of her crib.  She was sitting there wide-eyed.  The thunder must have scared her to death!  I picked her up and hugged her telling her everything was ok and mommy was right here.  She laid her head on my shoulder and closed her eyes.  I could have stood there all night like that.  I wanted to soak in the moment.  It was the first time that I felt like I could really calm her fears.  I laid her back down and as I watched roll over and fall back to sleep, my mind raced in fast forward.  I skipped ahead mentally and could see little Tenley running into our room during a storm saying "mommy!  daddy!  I'm scared!  Can I sleep with you!?" I could just see Mike and I looking at each other with a defeated look like "How do we say no to that sweet face!?" as we make room for her in the middle.  I smiled as I laid back down thinking about how I love this job of being a mommy.  I love that for now, I have all the power in the world to calm her simple fears.  As she gets older- I know her fears will become greater and I'll have to give up so much of that control to God.  But for now- I thank you God for letting me have nights like last night.

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