Wednesday, April 18, 2012

New Adventure.

I was hesitant to write about this, because once I started thinking about the reasons why I was hesitant I realized it's because of a fear of failure.  I'm worried I will let you down.  I'll let myself down.  But I decided that I need the accountability more than I need the fear.  So.... I started a new goal this week.  I've started running.  I'll wait for you to pick yourself up off the floor.  Yes, running.  Now let me be honest - I really can't stand running.  I've never been a runner.  This picture actually sums up how I feel about it.

But, there's this program called Couch to 5k.  It's for beginners and it starts you off slow.  It's a 9 week program and by the end of it I'll be running a 5k.  You run every other day, so that works out well for me so far.  I've only done one night of running. I started on Monday.  I thought it was pretty easy, but I was very aware of my body yelling at me "Hey!?  We don't run!!"  :)  I am not too sore, I stretched really well afterwards, because I knew if If was overly sore I wouldn't want to run on day #2.  So tonight will be my second time, and I'm strangely looking forward to it.  I want to prove to myself that I can do it and maybe along the way I'll develop a liking to running.  A love might be a stretch.