Friday, February 17, 2012


Here's a video that I forgot to post last time.  I love watching Tenley with her babies.  She loves to cover them up with her blankie and play peek-a-boo with them.  This is what she was doing when I caught it on video.  I've always known that I'm not cut out to be the mom of a toddler and a baby - so because of this and a variety other of reasons we don't plan on having another baby for quite some time!  It really stresses me out just to watch moms with kids close in age when they are little.  I'm sure it gets easier, but boy- it sure doesn't look fun to me.  Not to mention that I just love this stage so much, so I don't really want to share Tenley yet and risk missing anything.  But watching Tenley be so nurturing and fun with her baby makes me feel a little more at ease our plan isn't His plan.  Enjoy!

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